Team Uniform Sponsorship 2022
Does your team have a huge success story? Does your team have exceptional athletes on and off the mat? Does your team have a comeback or underdog story? Do you want FREE uniforms for the 2022/23 season? We want to hear YOUR story! Tell us why Intensity apparel should sponsor your team uniform this upcoming season.
- ALL TEAMS that enter will receive 10% off your entire first order in 2022.
-Top 10 TEAMS with the most votes will advance into the finals. The 10 finalists will receive a customized practice uniform set 50% off.
-The winning team will receive FREE uniforms valued up to $400 each with a unique customized design just for your team!
Gym owners, coaches, athletes AND parents can enter their team! Coaches, athletes and parents will need to get gym owner/school approval to enter contest.
Deadline to enter is Feb 1st, 2022.
ONLY ONE entry per team. We will take the first entry from your team as your "official" submission if multiple get submitted.
All-star, Rec Cheer, Poms Dance, High School, College or Semi Pro teams all can enter.
Only one "Team" can win. (max 20 athletes). Winning gym will receive a great discount for the rest of their gym!
Team must be located in the USA.
Uniform design is for the 2022/23 season (one design only). The winner will be selected, and uniform design process will begin in March. Gym owner or head coach will work with our staff to create a one-of-a-kind uniform. Uniform reveal and Proto uniform will be delivered in May/June.